A white Christmas could be on the cards, according to predictions from BBC Weather. It won’t be inches thick and will probably disappear fairly quickly but there’s still something pretty special about seeing snow fall from the sky on Christmas Day.
The forecast predicts light snow, alongside a gentle breeze. So, it’s not going to turn Liverpool into a tundra and daytime temperatures are expected to be between 2°C and 5°C.
You’ll have to be up early to catch the snow because it’s set to fall from 6 am until 8 am, then there will be sleet until 11 am, and nobody likes sleet. So, if you’re up early enough (if you have kids, basically), you might see a little layer of snow outside your window.
This Sunday we’re going to see sleet but the weather is set to warm over the next few days. Monday will be rainy but we can expect highs of 14°C, which isn’t too shabby given the freezing cold spell we’ve been experiencing.
So, get ready for a white Christmas, but don’t expect to be building any snowmen. Love it or hate it, there is something very romantic about snow on Christmas Day!