Back in January, two Sumatran tiger cubs were born at Chester Zoo and since then they’ve stayed in their den, with food brought to them by their mother. Now, they’ve made their first steps out into the enclosure and the photos are ridiculously adorable.
These little stripey babies are names Alif and Raya – popular names in Indonesia and Sumatra respectively, because that’s where (unsurpisingly) this kind of tiger lives in the wild. However, just 350 Sumatran tigers remain in the wild.
The species is critically endangered in the wild because of hunting, conflict with humans and a loss of habitat. With an increase in the human population around and in their natural habitats, 90% of this species has been wiped out in the wild. So, these Sumatran tiger cubs are very special indeed.
Conservationists associated with Chester Zoo are fighting to preserve the species and the birth of these cubs plays a very important part in that conservation. There are a few things that make these tigers different to others.
They have webbed paws to help them swim. They also havs spots on their ears that look like eyes so that animals behind them think they have been seen.
The footage of the tiger cubs playing, and laying on their mother is just what we need to see this Wednesday afternoon. They’re irresistably cute and their expansive enclosure is the perfect place for these little tigers to explore safely.