The Northern Lights were gracing the skies through the dark hours of October 10, cheering Liverpudlians up throughout all areas. On top of warming our hearts, people all around the city shared their pictures online, making for some great shots. So we have gathered our favourite pictures of the Northern Lights in Liverpool from last night!
The best pictures of the Northern Lights around Liverpool
1. Crosby Beach
2. New Brighton, Wirral
3. Spot the shooting star
4. Another shot of Crosby Beach
5. Liverpool waterfront
6. Aaaand more Crosby Beach
7. Liverpool beaches are surely the place to go
Could you catch the Northern Lights again tonight?
Liverpool could potentially see the aurora again tonight, as the alert is active until 9pm. As long as the skies stay clear, you could have a fighting chance.
The Met Office said in the Space Weather forecast: “A fast coronal mass ejection related to a large flare and filament combination that left the Sun on 09 Oct arrived at Earth through the second half of 10 Oct and is having ongoing effects, including Severe Geomagnetic storms.
Aurora has been sighted as far south as southern England and on the continent. The chances of aurora remain initially, though gradually easing through 11 Oct, becoming increasingly confined to far northern geomagnetic latitudes by 13 Oct.”