Outdoor swimming. It’s become a hot topic in the UK recently. When it’s scorching out, nothing beats it. But thanks to this country’s terrible water quality, opportunities for a (healthy) dip in a lake/river are becoming increasingly far and few between. British wild swimmers may soon be diving into the Cotswolds for a splash at a brand-new natural swimming pool.
On Court Farm in Gloucestershire (in King’s Stanley, near Stroud), plans are in motion to build an outdoor community pool. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the Cotswolds, Stroud Waters will offer a clean, accessible and safe swimming spot all year round – and with one section to be heated with geothermal energy, you won’t have to worry about catching a chill in the winter!
What are the benefits of outdoor swimming?
If you can find somewhere clean and safe to swim outdoors, it has been shown to have several benefits. Cold water swimming can improve circulation, reduce body pain and inflammation, boost your immune system, clear ‘brain fog’ as well as offer mental health benefits.
What will this natural swimming pool look like?
Promising at least two main pools (one heated by geothermal energy, the other left to change temperature with the seasons), Stroud Waters will also offer lane and circuit swimming, a dipping zone, and a family area. In the future, it will also include such exciting additions as earth saunas and natural play areas. A pre-existing barn will become changing rooms.
What really sets it apart from alternative outdoor swimming spots, however, is its use of aquatic plants and biofiltration systems to provide excellent, chemical-free water quality. Looking at the concept art of the site (seen here in this article), we can also see how Stroud Waters will sit within the natural landscape among fields and trees.
But first, there are a lot of hurdles to clear. Stroud Waters is still a long way from being built. Community Waters CIC is aiming to raise over £36,000 to fund this ambitious project, with £26,000 already pledged. Only once funding is secure, will a feasibility study be completed on Court Farm and set the groundwork for planning permission…
The study will highlight any issues – including water quality, infrastructure, and biodiversity – before the project is presented to the local council for the pre-application consultation in the summer. If successful, the natural swimming pool could be ready to open in 2026. To learn more about Stroud Waters head here.