Let’s face it: Liverpool is pretty great. While we didn’t need anyone else telling us that, hearing that it is just as good as the capital, if not better, gives that extra ego boost. Liverpool was named the best “dupe” city for London for American travellers, helping tourists save money while experiencing the same cultural charm, history, and vibrancy.
Cheapflights conducted a study to help determine the most popular destinations and their not-so-crowded alternatives, examining factors like search volume, flight prices, flight length, cultural and landscape similarities, and the cost of living items such as meals out, beer and a monthly travel pass. The study looked at affordable alternatives for the most expensive tourist hubs in the world to help travellers “avoid crowds and explore the local charm more authentically”.
The study also concluded that almost half of Americans cut their trips short due to overcrowded getaways.
As London is the fourth most popular travel destination in the world, Liverpool was named the best “dupe” city providing significant savings for those visiting England. Flights to Liverpool are $52 (~£41) cheaper, while dining out saves one around $40 (~£31). What is more, the price of a pint is half that of what it is in London, so experiencing a good ol’ British pub crawl should also not be an issue. Getting around our city is also just as easy, with a travel pass costing four times less than it would in the capital.
The average hotel price per night in Liverpool is also a third cheaper, being $198 (~£157), while a cup of coffee is just $3.07 (£2.43) compared to $4.67 (£3.69) in London.
I mean, none of this is surprising, but seeing the numbers in front of you just solidifies it all. Tourists should officially swap Big Ben for our stunning Waterfront, enjoying attractions like The Tate museum, The Beatles Story and try all the best restaurants around. Plus, there are beaches!